Please note the following is not meant as a general guide. Rather it's for when there are advanced errors/issues in Teams and the help desk has an open ticket with Microsoft support to report them. Microsoft will be asking us to submit some detailed information about the particular issue with Teams, and this guide explains how to do that. Again, please do not use this guide unless you've been asked by the help desk or your ops team to use it to document your particular issue in Teams.
Please start out by taking opening Teams in a web browser and taking a screenshot of the issue in Teams. If the issue occurred on the desktop version of Teams, it's fine to open web browser Teams since this is what Microsoft support will be asking for to document the issue. To open in web browser Teams, navigate to , click on the Teams icon, find the issue, and take a screenshot that includes the out of order messages and also the top browser address bar. Microsoft support will require the top part of the browser that contains the web page address so they can get the Teams message ID.
You can use the built in snipping tool or if that's not available/you prefer differently, you can use F12 to take a screenshot of your entire desktop and paste that into something like a Word document and save it. If the date and time isn't in the screenshot, please document the date and time the issue occurred for you:
Save the screenshot:
Now it's time to gather Teams' logs. Look to the Teams icon in the bottom right hand corner of your computer screen by the clock. Right-click on that Teams icon, the left-click on "Collect support files":
You'll see all these support files being generated on the right, you can ignore this, it will go away after a few moments:
The logs will be saved to your Downloads folder. Go ahead and move that screenshot you took earlier to your Downloads folder too. Here's a screenshot of what they will both look like:
Select both the logs folder and the screenshot picture, right click, mouse over "Send to" then choose "Compressed (zipped) folder" to zip up all these files to a single compressed file:
Here's what the compressed file will look like in the end (it has a little zipper over its file icon picture), please send that zipped file to the help desk:
Thank you very much for taking a few moments to follow these steps, it will help us provide some exact details to Microsoft support to try to address the Teams issue or error.
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