CRITICAL: It's important to review the following guide to better protect your own privacy and data when using Teams - Getting to know chat history nuances in Microsoft Teams
NOTE: The below steps must be done specifically in the meeting chatroom outside of the meeting's call window. If you try to do this from the meeting's call window, you won't see any options to remove participants.
To leave a meeting chat room
- Click the Chat icon on the left side of your Teams window.
- Find and click on the desired chat / meeting room.
- Click the Participant icon at the top right, then from the menu that appears, select Leave.
To remove a user from the meeting chat room
- Click the Chat icon on the left side of your Teams window.
- Find and click on the desired chat / meeting room.
- Click the Participant icon at the top right, then from the menu that appears.
- From the list of participants, hover over the one you want to remove and click the x that appears to the right of their name.
- A window will appear to notify you that the removed participant will still have access to the existing chat history up until you remove them from the meeting room:
NOTE: This can only be done if there are three or more users. No participants can be removed from a meeting chat room if there are only two participants total.
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