The purpose of this guide is to add the Adobe Acrobat App to Teams so that pdf’s can be viewed, commented, and highlighted within Teams. If you have a paid Adobe Acrobat subscription, Adobe also may grant you the ability to do ‘lite’ editing work in PDF’s.
Please note this guide was based on an account that needed to add an additional multi-factor and didn’t already have a free Adobe account. So, your situation might differ slightly, then just skip that section of the guide below. Also the following steps may slightly differ from what you actually see, the overall result should be the same -- you need to add the app, grant it access and sign into it using an Adobe account.
Also please note that if you don’t have a paid Acrobat subscription, when given the choice to sign in with your work Adobe ID, or your personal Adobe ID, you must choose your personal Adobe ID. This will be highlighted later in the guide, it's worth mentioning now since if you fail to click personal if needed it will cause major issues with how this app works.
Finally, it’s a known Adobe bug that they are sometimes giving paid Acrobat editing features to free Adobe accounts. If this (possibly beneficial) bug occurs with your Adobe account, please note that at some point in the future Adobe may choose to ‘fix’ that and your free Adobe account will lose the ability to edit/collate PDF’s.
To add the app, in the bottom left of your Teams, click Apps:
Click in the Search area:
Type “adobe” in the search area and click on Adobe Acrobat:
Click on “Add” (do not click on the little down triangle to the left of Add”):
Give Teams a moment to process:
Click Authorize:
Give Teams a moment to process:
Type your account password here, same password you type into your computer to sign in:
Click Next:
Give things a moment to process:
(Optional step) The system may prompt you to enter an additional multi-factor, if so please do. If not this step can be skipped:
(Optional step) After entering/confirming the additional multi-factor, click Next:
Click Accept to allow Adobe the level of access it is requesting:
Click on the Adobe Acrobat Teams App:
Click Authorize again:
Give things a moment to process:
Click Continue:
Give Teams and Adobe a moment to process things in the background:
Click sign in with an Adobe ID (please note, if you’re already signed into Adobe via Teams, this step might be automatically skipped):
Three choices from top to bottom for you to choose depending on if you've set up an Adobe account before (please choose the one that best applies): 1) sign in with your current Adobe account if you know the password, 2) if you have an Adobe account but forgot its password you can use that option, 3) create new, free Adobe account. VERY IMPORTANT – If you don’t already have a paid Acrobat license or a free Adobe account, you will need to create a free Adobe account. Also you will always use your work email to sign into this Adobe account.
If you don’t have a paid Acrobat subscription, then you must choose the Personal Profile sign in potion below, failing to choose correctly will have a major negative impact on your ability to use this Adobe app:
For option 1) above, just sign in. For option 2) follow the directions in the email you receive for the password reset process, then sign in, for 3), screenshot is below, fill in the fields to create a new, free Adobe account:
For 3), after you fill in for a new Adobe Account, click Sign up:
For 3), pick the pics to prove you’re a human:
After completing either 1) sign in, or 2) forgot password and sign in, or 3) create new Adobe account, the Adobe Teams App should load in your Teams. Right click on its icon:
Then choose “Pin”. This will allow quick access in the future:
From within the Adobe Teams App, click on Teams and Channels to view and comment on PDF’s within Teams:
Select the Team you want:
Then navigate to the Channel and PDF you want. Click on the PDF to open it:
Here’s a newly opened PDF, you can view and do commenting within Teams:
There are options to with a free Adobe account leave comments and highlights:
The changes you make should auto save. If they’re important changes, you can exit out, and re-open the PDF to confirm the changes you made saved:
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